The Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger Hunt is a new feature on the Assignments page of the online school of the Spirit.  Like a child’s game, it gives you the opportunity to gather a variety of experiences as you soak, minister to people, and share your testimony.

I’ve added something new to the online school of the Spirit:  a Scavenger Hunt with 10 specific things to do every month.

A friend gave me the idea.  He used to head up the school of the Spirit at Morningstar.  He said they would give a weekly challenge – “Go minister a word of knowledge to someone in a red shirt” – and usually, about 60% of the students managed to do it.

God sometimes gives me assignments like that.  I touched on the idea last week when I wrote about a peg – a simple word of knowledge that gives me something to look for when I minister, while keeping me dependent on God.

I’m posting easier assignments.  For instance, item 5 tells you to find three or more faith-building truths in Romans 8, and then use them to encourage people around you.  It should be easy to start a conversation with a friend or family member and say, “God says He’s for you, not against you.  What do you suppose that means?…”  As you explore what God has said, encouragement is sure to follow.

But I want to share a bit of a story behind some of the other items in the list.

Start with soaking.  Item 2 challenges you to thank God for things He has done in your life, and also for influences He has used to make you hungry and to equip you.

If you’re anything like me, you tend to focus not on what God does but on what He doesn’t do.  Did three people get healed in the last meeting?  Great, but what about those who didn’t?  I’ve always had a tendency to focus on those who didn’t get healed.

At the moment, I don’t feel particularly gifted at healing.  My hands aren’t burning right now; my heart isn’t melting with compassion at the moment; I don’t feel the anointing.  But if I look back over the past few months, I have a few testimonies.

I would probably have more if I ministered to more people.  But if I take time to thank God for what I’ve seen Him do recently, my faith grows.  I start becoming bold, and am more likely to reach out for ministry opportunities.

What if you don’t have a track record yet?  Pay attention to the influences God has put in your life.  JoAnn and I heard a wonderful faith-building message about healing based on Romans 8:11 – “If the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, He will quicken your mortal body.”  As I thank God for the things I have seen Him do, I also need to add scriptures and other nudges that push me forward into healing.  It‘s all part of His process to clothe us with His power.

Devote one of your soaking times to thanking God.

Then look at item 7. A few years ago, I was in a small church and many of the people were sick, including the pastor.  I decided to pray for them day by day – there were five.  I called the pastor Monday night; one was healed.  On Tuesday, another was healed – so it went through the week.

Look at item 10.  If the online school of the Spirit is doing what it’s supposed to do, you should start accumulating testimonies.  Write a brief one – 250 words or less – and post it as a comment on one of the blogs this month.  Or if you don’t know how to post a comment, send it to me at and I’ll post it.

Finally, have fun with the scavenger hunt.  Let it be like a game, not a grim duty.  Jesus told us to be childlike.  Have fun – I know I do.

Stan Smith   ::  © 2008, GospelSmith  ::

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