Multiply To Go Deeper

After posting a 31-day devotional, “Learn To Hear From God”, on Squidoo and YouTube, I wanted to put it into practice and start posting testimonies on this blog.  I felt I should begin with the principle found on Day 31 – Multiply To Go Deeper.

It’s a simple idea:  that people would get more out of the 31-day devotional if they would do it as a group.  They could share their struggles; sometimes it’s helpful to realize that if we’re finding it hard to develop new spiritual gifts, that others struggle too.  But it isn’t all struggle; we also have victories from time to time.  With a group, one person’s victory can spill over onto everyone else.

So I prayed.  Could God give me a group that would walk through the devotional together?  Soon my wife took a phone call inviting me to speak to a home group that was hungry for the prophetic.

So far, I’ve met with them three times.  A few had already been poking around in the 31-day devotional.  As we ended our last meeting, I assigned them to  edify, exhort, or comfort five people each week.  “Next time we meet, let’s share testimonies,” I said.

As we dismissed, our hostess said, “I’d really like to get to where the gifts of the Spirit start flowing in the marketplace.”  I’m hungry for the same thing myself.  So I’ve begun praying along those lines.

So far, I’m finding it easier to hear from God than to push through the social awkwardness that stops me from sharing with strangers.  God really is far more interested in using us than we are in being used.  He keeps doing His part; it’s hard to make myself do mine.

So next Thursday when the group meets again, I’ll have to share that I’m still dragging my feet.  I may or may not be the only one.

But it’s helpful to have the accountability of the group as we’re reaching into God for new ministry opportunities.

By the time I’d missed two opportunities, I couldn’t bear to miss it again.  It happened again in a coffee shop – I take my laptop there so I can prepare JoAnn’s book for publication.  I take my coffee to a table where I can see the waves breaking on Avila Beach.

As I worked, I sensed God telling me that when I went back for my refill, I should simply testify that I liked that coffee shop because the waves reminded me of my week in intensive care after brain surgery, when wave after wave of the love of God swept over me.

By the time I needed a refill, there was a crowd at the counter.  There hadn’t been a crowd all afternoon, and I knew the people in line wouldn’t appreciate my slowing things down while I tried to give a long testimony.

So I gave the testimony in just two or three quick statements, took my coffee, and went back upstairs and got to work.

It didn’t spark a citywide revival, but at least I acted on what God told me to do.  So when the group meets on Thursday, I won’t be the fisher of men whose testimony is about one, two, three that got away.


If you can’t find a group, look for a friend who can help you learn to hear from God and to respond wisely and sensitively to whatever He says to you.

Stan Smith  ::  © 2011, GospelSmith  ::


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